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Avant-garde Rock Band SAVARRE’s ‘Haven’

SAVARRE exhibits an uncompromising authenticity with their single “Haven.” The New York-based group is led by multi-talented singer-songwriter, composer, playwright, and novelist Shannon Denise Evans. Join us as we take a listen to this remarkable new track...

‘Haven’ is a truly beautiful rock song with total uniqueness and raw energy. If heart-felt modern rock is your kind of music, then I am sure you will love SAVARRE. They have steadily been releasing music over the course of 2020, and next year, they are looking forward to releasing more. ‘Haven’ is a touching and powerful addition to their growing repertoire of songs. It is already ascended to the top of my daily playlist, and with good reason!

‘Haven’ begins simultaneously with a gentle melody over an acoustic piano, the steady and warm flow of strings, and the strong yet vulnerable vocals of their lead vocalist. This combination marinates for a while as the song builds past the chorus and into the second verse. The percussion is surprisingly unique and truly makes the track stand out with the level of depth the musical arrangement achieves. Overall, the song effectively builds to a beautiful crescendo that indeed satisfies the listener. SAVARRE’s musical craftsmanship and ability to convey pure emotion through a very mature sound is a huge part of why you need to listen.

Reflecting on the track, Shannon shares, “I am imperfect. I am a work in progress. I am a survivor. But if nothing else, I hope to be a haven.”

This single is the perfect introduction to what I can only assume will be a long career in the industry. That being said, I look forward to their future releases.

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