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Curse of Lono Shares Haunting New Single ‘So Damned Beautiful’ From Upcoming Album ‘People In Cars’

The third single released from Curse Of Lono’s upcoming new LP People In Cars once again showcases the solo artist’s ability music packed with innovative music ideas, layers of warm instrumentation and depth in emotion. The brainchild of Felix Bechtolsheimer, Curse of Lono’s stylistic sound and songwriting often delves into the stark reality of the unimaginable year that this musician has lived through: his father, uncle and ex-partner all passing away in the space of one year. It’s the latter of these three that’s the subject of ‘So Damned Beautiful’.

Photo by Isy Townsend

Blending Felix’s deep, husky vocals akin to The National’s Matt Berninger with the delicate breathy vocals of featuring vocalist Tess Parks the tracks layers of bass, guitar and drums create a suspense through the tracks understated verse. The track gradually builds before gently blooming into it’s breathtaking, shiver-inducing chorus as a swelling slide guitar enters the fray. Speaking on the single, Curse of Lono said: “I wrote the song from the point of view of the guy, who I didn't know, of that dirty weekend, and that overdose. When you OD on heroin you do feel pretty great until it goes wrong, so that stuff came back into the picture.”

Listen below:


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