Dick Aven’s single “Fly Into The Fire” features the artist elevating
into a higher vocal register in places, which is extremely effective.
Although there are minor key notes on this track, it nevertheless comes
off as a positive song about love and romance.

An artist that comes to mind whenever Aven goes into some of his
falsetto singing excursions, is T. Rex. Aven, who is an experienced
sideman (most recently playing in Jamey Johnson’s group) is a long way
from T. Rex’s glam-y England though -- he calls Tennessee his home.
Aven’s first instrument is saxophone. Yes, he plays saxophone in a
country artist’s band! Granted, Jamey Johnson is not at all your typical
country artist. He’s considered a sort of modern outlaw. However, what’s
more outlaw than having a saxophonist in your band?
“Fly Into The Fire” begins with a sultry, sax-ed intro, before Aven’s
range-vacillating vocal enters in. Lyrically, one surmises the song’s
title and subject matter concerns a risk-taking couple. “Fly into the
fire,” for example, just might be another way to describe a ‘moth to the
flame.’ When moths are drawn to a flame, it’s because that flame is
irresistible. That moth is going to fly all too many times too close to
that flame and get burned. It’s instinct, rather than a bad choice. The
couple in Aven’s song sounds like a couple such moths. This may not be a
solid relationship, but the light is so bright and inviting. Who can say
no? What can stop them from coupling? Seemingly, nothing.
With that said, Aven plays some wonderful saxophone on the track, and
over and over again, Aven expresses his desire to fly into that fire.
Stylistically, this track sounds a little like a soft rock song from the
‘70s. Back in the ‘70s, it wasn’t unusual to hear saxophone on radio
songs. A current revival of this music termed ‘yacht rock.’ It’s a term
used to describe the laidback lifestyle many rockers lived during the
‘70s. The world wasn’t just their oyster, but also their never-ending
love boat.
To that point, Aven sounds relaxed and ready for romance while singing
this one. He’s not intense about entering into lovemaking. Instead, he’s
much more casual about it, like a ‘70s rock star living out his manifest
destiny of romance.
Romantic copulation seems to be the inevitable end of this song.
“Sharing a bath/Laughing under covers,” Aven predicts. This is clearly
the expected ending to this song’s story. With that said, though, the
song begins with Aven describing how his mate is crying. Perhaps this
song is actually about makeup sex, which is often times the best
possible kind lovemaking.
Flying into a fire may sound dangerous, but you can’t have love without
at least a little heat. After all, Elvis famously sang about a hunka
hunka burning love on his hit, “Burning Love.” In contrast, lost love is
oftentimes described as love gone cold. The chill, after the fire’s gone
out. Therefore, Aven’s song is right in line with popular thinking about
the very best possible coupling temperature.
Dick Aven’s single is many times a throwback to a simpler musical time.
No big social issues; just a few minutes of lovemaking music.
Listen to 'Fly Into The Fire' on SPOTIFY
-Dan MacIntosh