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Curious For Music Team

Get To Know: Raymondouu

Raymondouu, the rising artist known for his evocative and introspective soundscapes, is set to captivate listeners once again with the release of his highly anticipated new single, "Special Occasions." This track, carefully timed for maximum impact, delves into the complex emotions of fleeting infatuations and the rare moments that spark them. With poignant lyrics and a sound that harks back to the nostalgic echoes of the early 2010s, Raymondouu paints a vivid picture of idealized love, making "Special Occasions" a compelling listen. As Raymondouu, the alter ego of Chinese-Australian singer-songwriter Raymond Zhang, continues to carve out his unique space in the music world, this new release is set to further solidify his place as a voice of emotional depth and artistic authenticity.

What inspired you to write ‘Special Occasions’? Was there a particular experience or person that sparked the concept of fleeting infatuations?

Not really I don’t think so, in this case, the song was more about an idea of a perfect person that had traits from several people I have met. It would’ve been formed by sporadic interactions throughout multiple social gatherings, gigs and festivals.

The lyrics of ‘Special Occasions’ paint a vivid picture of idealised love and infatuation. How do you navigate the balance between fantasy and reality in your songwriting?

I often like to use analogies in my songs just so things don’t get too personal, but I always try to channel some real emotions so that listeners can relate and resonate with my message. I believe emotions and the ability to resonate with people are ultimately more important than strictly recounting real events when it comes to songwriting.

You reference The 1975 in the chorus of ‘Special Occasions’. What does their music mean to you, and how have they influenced your sound and lyrical style?

I’m a massive fan of The 1975 and just how varied their sound is, and how you can’t really confine them into a single genre. They’re my go to for when i’m in need of a long solid album to listen to during a drive, with my favourite album being Notes On A Conditional Form.

The accompanying album cover for ‘Special Occasions’ features you submerged underwater. What does this visual metaphor represent to you, and how does it tie into the themes of the song?

To me being underwater evokes a sense of helplessness and frustration - powerful emotions that make you feel like you’re sinking deeper and deeper. We also tried to emulate this drowning aspect in the instrumentation, as when the band comes in it feels like a wave of sound overcoming the listener.

Musically, ‘Special Occasions’ nods to the early 2010s with heavy guitar riffs and synths. What draws you to this era of music, and how did you incorporate those nostalgic elements into the track?

I’ve always wanted to make a very big-sounding song because my lyrics are usually quite dramatic and I want the instrumentation to reflect explosive outbursts of emotions.

Your music often blends melancholy with humour, creating an authentic and relatable sound. How do you approach this unique balance in your songwriting process?

I always try and not to take my lyrics too seriously and incorporate humour into my songwriting because I guess that just how I am in real life, I like to often joke around sometimes even to a fault. But then there's always the balance of sadness in life that is definitely present in my songs

Having been a finalist in Triple J’s ‘Unearthed High competition’ in 2020, how has your journey evolved since then? What lessons have you learned that have shaped your recent work?

I think that the whole Unearthed High experience really showed me that people other than my friends can enjoy my music. Before I entered into the competition I was mainly just making songs for my friends to listen to, but with encouragement from one of them, I uploaded my track onto Unearthed. I guess it has allowed me to appreciate my own work a bit more.

You perform with a five-piece band, known for blending vulnerable lyricism with dynamic instrumentation. How do your live performances differ from your studio recordings, and what do you hope audiences take away from your shows?

It’s only recently that we’ve started incorporating our band’s rocky sound into our recorded tracks, and our trusty guitarist/producer Charlie has done an amazing seamless job at that. We hope audiences just take away our overall positive vibes from the shows, I feel like we’re an act that doesn’t take themselves too seriously.

'Special Occasions’ is about the anticipation and excitement of seeing someone only on rare occasions. How do you think this theme resonates with listeners in today’s fast-paced, digital world?

I think the digital world only worsens this feeling of anticipation and excitement as you see them on social media representing the perfect version of themselves and that’s the only version of them that you have in your mind.

As a Chinese-Australian artist, how do your cultural background and personal experiences influence your music? Do you see your identity playing a role in the stories you choose to tell?

Surprisingly, my Chinese background doesn’t really have an impact on my music, even though I was born there and moved to Perth at the age of 8. I never was really too interested in music and songwriting until I was about 14 and fully immersed in Western culture so there’s not too much connection. Still, I feel empowered that no matter what my cultural background is I can just make music the same as everyone else.



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