Kris Anders’ “I’m Ready” is a blast of timeless summer revelry sparking with infectious energy. The urgency will carry you away. The British Columbia, Canada headquartered vocalist, songwriter and musician promises to make enormous waves on the back of his EP release Threshing Room Floor, and it isn’t hard to hear why after a single such as this.
It definitely belies his rural upbringing on a British Columbia farm as “I’m Ready” sounds steeped in city life to its core.
The mix of retro-rock influences alongside the song’s post-punk energy mark it as a natural live number. Imagining Anders and his band attacking the song with abandon for a rapturous concert crowd doesn’t
strain credibility; it seems like a natural fit. From the outset it bears down on listeners with rambunctious fervor and illustrates the extent of Anders’ skill as a vocalist. He matches the song’s pace without even an inkling of exhaustion.
The romping rhythm section attack supplies the song’s foundation. It’s the guitar work, however, that serves as Anders’ principal musical partner. The six-string contributions riff ferociously for the bulk of
the cut and unleash lashing pyrotechnics near its conclusion. It’s a performance that never takes its foot off the gas and carries listeners away on the tide of its enthusiasm.
“I’m Ready” benefits from superb production as well. It packs enough of a wallop to blow you back in your seat without ever overwhelming the audience. Each element of the performance is given equal weight rather than zeroing in on one part at the expense of others. This sort of balance serves the song well. Anders’ commitment to delivering a complete outing is a hallmark of his recording output thus far and “I’m Ready” is no exception.
He's quite obviously geared for live performances. Studio work can only capture so much of the song’s unbridled power, and it behooves any interested listener to check him out in concert. “I’m Ready” is a
certain crowd pleaser tailor made for the stage. It doesn’t require any accommodation to the vagaries of live performance and likely gains immeasurably from the instant feedback that audiences provide.
Anders sounds like he’s ready to conquer the world. “I’m Ready” isn’t a niche tune crafted to serve a narrow segment of the listening public but, instead, an all-around winner with across the board appeal. It’s eminently relatable. Anyone who’s ever felt emboldened by the moment, young and old alike, will experience the song’s undeniable power. Anders and his band mates rip through the track at such a velocity that it leaves you reeling and giddy.
Those already familiar with Kris Anders will need little convincing.
They already know what he can do. Newcomers though will come away from this track as converts to the cause and eager to hear more. “I’m Ready” is another rung up the ladder for Kris Anders and checks off all the boxes for a first-class rock and roll song. You’ll come away from this cut invigorated and sure he’ll be around for a long time to come.