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Pete Beat To Release New Track 'Drinking Lager'

'Before The War' marks Pete's third studio album and features the same quirky production style and lyrical slant which appeared on previous releases. The aim with this album was to further refine his songwriting, production and performance skills. Several of the tracks were inspired by the British dance band sound of the 1930s, in particular Ray Noble and Al Bowlly. Pete mentions he's been meaning to release something with that influence for a long time. Another big influence on a couple of tracks were The Smiths, as well as a few electronic tracks inspired by the years Pete spent making funky or French house in the early 2000s.

'Drinking Lager' is the debut single from the upcoming album and will be released on the 22 January 2021. The track is "a quirky disco track about drinking lager in the backyard during the locked down summer of 2020", as Pete describes.

Pete Beat on SPOTIFY

Talking to Pete about all things music, creativity and plans for the new year we asked him a few questions.

What got you into music and what would you say is your favourite thing about it?

I've been making music for as long as I can remember. Growing up we had a Hammock organ, which was a huge opportunity for arranging music due to its build in drum machine and the two keyboards. When getting a computer and guitar, I was able to make tunes and record samples, which was a lot of fun. My favourite thing about making music is the state of flow when recording a song, the escape and satisfaction of listening to a finished product. That's what makes me feel good.

Who are your main musical influences and how do they affect the music your create?

Listening to The Smiths, The Doors, The Beach Boys and in particular The Beatles is how I get inspired and write my three-minute pop songs. The lyrics are very much in that vein. I also listen to a lot of dance music tracks (rave, funky house, trance, techno and disco). That had a huge influence on my sound, especially when I made dance music for years. Vocally, I have tried to sound something like David Bowie, Frank Sinatra or Jim Morrison.

How does your creative process look like and what inspires you when making new music?

From recording over 400 original songs, I kind of have a feel for when an idea is worth pursuing, or when a song can be recorded, or can be recorded without being finished. I find that if you always have a concrete idea of how to write and record, then what you inevitably get is rubbish. You need to approach it with playful, open curiosity. Ideas are good, just not fixed ones. When you stay open to all possibilities and in the moment, that's when you get good results.

Since being in the industry for some time, can you tell us, what the best advice someone gave you, was?

Pete: I would say, your music has to be as good as the other stuff around. It isn't going to happen straight away but I guess you have to keep going and you will eventually get there. Also, don't look for a record label. They get send a lot and it's a waste of time. Create a buzz and they will find you.

Could you describe the process of making your upcoming album 'Before The War' and what differed to your previous releases?

My normal way of working doesn't involve any sitting down and trying. When a subject and musical idea comes to my mind, it's interesting to follow it through to its conclusion. This third album, I just found I had 11 songs I was proud enough of to release and which fitted with each other. The first album, I already had hundreds of songs before a discussion led me to think I should release an album. With the second one, I thought I should follow up the first just to keep the momentum.

Going into the new year, anything exciting we can expect from you in the next months?

I am most looking forward to hopefully be able to play a gig at some point and chat with friends I haven't seen in a long time. There are also new singles and videos coming out in January, February and March, as well as the album in April. Look out for them!

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