S.A.S (also known as Saj & Stos) have released a cover of the famous Lenny Kravitz hit “Fly Away”. The new duo consists of longtime friends Christos (Stos) Tsantilis and Sajid (Saj) Jimenez. Having made music together in the past, the two rekindled their creative spark after recently reconnecting on social media...

“Fly Away” is an R&B spin on the Lenny Kravitz classic, with a touch of hip-hop. It has a feel-good energy which will have you impatient to get out and about dancing in a crowded room again! The instrumentation is fantastic whilst the vocal lead is truly memorable, with a visceral emotion present throughout that matches the meaning of the track. The video is mesmerising too, with an entrancing and creative use of colour and pattern.
Recorded pre-COVID, on “Fly Away” the group was able to work in person with guest musicians on bass, drums, and guitar. With Saj providing energetic vocals and Stos on the mix, the cover came together beautifully.
S.A.S’s version takes on new meaning as it was released near the end of a chaotic time for most people. Although the duo live thousands of miles apart, they plan to continue creating music together moving forwards. Fingers crossed for more great covers and some originals too we hope. This is sounding very promising indeed!
“Fly Away” is now available on YouTube. Visit Christos (Stos) Tsantilis’ website for more information.