Stephen Jacques’ long and winding musical career has brought the
Virginia-based singer/songwriter and musician fulsome praise. It’s
well-deserved. Jacques has a little over ten albums to his credit thus
far and the newest collection Groove Atlantic-O, produced and engineered
by famed sound merchant Steve Albini, doesn’t betray any signs of
slowing creativity.
It opens with the largely acoustic “Dreams on Fire”. The weathered gait
of Jacques’ voice gives his already fine lyrics added gravitas and an
emotive edge. Gerald Dowd’s straightforward drumming helps further
punctuate the writing without ever threatening to dominate the song’s
sonic terrain. What initially promises to be a near-folkie affair,
however, breaks out into dissonance by the song’s end and the fiery
promise of the song’s title reaches fruition.
“Women Under Sun” moves the album in a different direction. The up-tempo
rocker has faint echoes of Lou Reed’s influence running through the
performance, but Jacques is a far better traditional singer than Reed
ever was. Scattered electric guitar flourishes serve as musical
exclamation points placed throughout the arrangement and the song’s
propulsive charge carries you away. Jacques ladens “Weird Iceland Hotel
Dinner” with an abundance of specific lyrical details that elevates the
track. His sense of place rivals a fine short story writer and the
song’s sketched-out narrative gains dramatic flavor from his delivery.
Perhaps it’s one of the album’s sleeper tracks but nevertheless an
outstanding example of his songwriting art in full bloom.
The laconic and relaxed “Syracuse Lawn Chair” is another illustration of
his unique artistry. Jacques foregoes a pronounced electric guitar
presence during this song save several biting fills along the way and
returns, instead, to the near-folk terrain of the album opener. His
vocal delivery is, once again, key and breathes deeper life into an
already great lyric. Chris Siebold’s lap steel supplies an invaluable
contribution to “Queen Bee Gone”. It’s a song steeped in melancholy and
loss. Vijay Tellis-Nayak’s keyboards drop flashes of color, as well,
into the composition that further accentuates the mood. It’s an intimate
and thoughtful performance among an album brimming with such standout
The penultimate track “Dining with Horses” continues to utilize
Siebold’s lap steel to memorable effect. Melancholy pervades again, but
there’s a dollop more energy pushing this song forward thanks to Gerald
Dowd’s spot-on drumming. Jacques’ lyrical acumen excels at every turn
during Groove Atlantic-O but particularly shines here. His evocative use
of language, coupling the universal with concrete personal imagery,
brings these songs to life.
The finale “Dusty Italian Bike” continues emphasizing the intimacy
that’s defined the work. These songs come across as near-chamber pieces
and his vocals, placed front and center during each song, give the
lyrics the spotlight they deserve. The lead guitar for the closer is
especially potent and helps strengthen the sense of finality enveloping
this track. Stephen Jacques’ Groove Atlantic-O stands up well against
his previous releases and showcases a musical artist who continues
developing his art rather than lying fallow. It’s essential listening
for anyone who values such qualities.