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'Tell Me' - the nostalgic new single from Jay Moussa-Man

The upcoming single from Jay Moussa-Mann, out on the May 7th, is nostalgic and relaxing to listen to.

Such a calming sound this one. With the gentle strumming of the guitar and I love the way the piano makes a gentle appearance later on.

This song seemed to have told me a story of how a woman was being cheated on by her significant other. Especially with the lyrics “You vowed to always put me first”, this made me think that she was being taken advantage of and constantly questioning her worth.

I feel like a lot of people can share their compassion with the premise of this song since it relates to a lot of broken relationships.

I could also imagine listeners sensing a form of amenity from this song with the gentle vocals, gentle guitar strumming, softly played piano, and the gentle string ensemble that makes its first appearance in the chorus that builds that warm foundation of the song.

The overall feeling of being moved is prevalent when Jay sung: “Cuz diamond ring didn’t add up”. This I could imagine would invite listeners to dwell in nostalgia, what their current mood is, their health, and of course their current relationships and other social interactions.

What I love the most about this song is how relaxing it is. I love Jay’s smooth soft voice. It's just hypnotising! This is why her style in this single captures a form of bliss that listeners like me instantly fall in love with.

The new single 'Tell Me' from Jay Moussa-Mann is out 7th May 2021 on all major digital platforms to stream & download!

Follow Jay: Youtube | Instagram | Website


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