It’s an increasingly bleak political landscape out there and these people and entities all have one ambition - power. When we all manage to take a break from the political rat race, we turn to our phones where a finely tuned series of algorithms are waiting for us, providing a steady stream of unfiltered content - whether for good or for ill. The message behind The Horn’s new driving rock-pop single ‘Power Show’ is to be wary of all cult-like ideologies, to keep a skeptical eye open, and to resist any type of tyrannical power structures.
Commenting on what inspired this new track, bassist Nick True states:
“So many cults around us, not just religious & political, scroll any social media or watch, listen or read any media in any country and so many people think their cult or their beliefs whatever they are, are more important or more real than someone else’s, they are not, just be nice that's all you need, piss off, it's exhausting!”
Out on August 31st, don’t miss this one!